Studio workout item library
We recommend reading about creating a workout first.
If you have items you would like to use across multiple workouts and do not wish to have to recreate them in each workout, you can create them in your Studio Library. Supported items are:
- Exercises
- Equipment
- Sets
To create these items, navigate to your Studio Library in the Studio Manager and under the "Workouts" tab. Once you have created an item, you can select it where you normally would in the builder, under the tab "My Library". You can also create library items directly from inside the builder, by checking "Add this to my library" when creating the item.
In order to facilitate the lifecycle of a workout and to maintain the integrity of that workout, once the workout is published using a library item, making changes to the item will not reflect in the workout. This is achieved under the hood by creating a separate version of the library item which will be used in new and draft workouts only from that point.
This is made clear in the detail of a library item, where you can see which workouts and sets use the new version of the item, and which use the old version.